Focus Trainer

👁️ Welcome to the Focus Test!

This test is designed to assess your focus levels. Here’s how it works:

1. Eye Tracking for Focus Assessment 👀

During this test, we will be using eye-tracking technology to measure your focus. Your camera will be used to monitor your eye movements and ensure that you stay focused on the task. Don’t worry—your privacy is protected, and no recordings are stored.

2. Calibration is Mandatory 🔄

Before starting the test, you will need to go through a calibration process. This step is crucial to ensure the test results are reliable. The calibration will align the eye-tracking system to your movements and surroundings, making sure that we can accurately measure your focus.

3. Start the Focus Test 🧠

Once calibration is complete, you will click the “Start the Test” button to begin. During the test, numbers will appear in the center of the frame. Your job is simple: stay focused on the number as it counts down to zero.

Important: If you look away or get distracted, it will be counted as a distraction! ⚠️

4. The Test Duration ⏳

The test will take roughly 3 minutes to complete. Stay as focused as possible during this time.

5. Receive Your Focus Score 📊

As soon as the test is complete, you’ll receive your focus score. This score will reflect how well you maintained your attention during the test, and will give you insight into your current focus levels.

Good luck! 🍀 Stay focused and give it your best shot!

We use your camera for eye-tracking to improve focus. No recordings or data are stored. Please allow camera access.